Extra!! Extra!! Read All About It!!!

July 3, 2008

Indian Express: “An 88-year-old Nazi war criminal identified as Johann Bach (italics my own) was airlifted to Berlin after he was tracked down to the Goa-Karnataka border by German and Indian intelligence agencies on the basis of information provided by an Israeli group involved in the search for war criminals and investigations in Goa.

Though local police and intelligence agencies in Karnataka said they were “unaware” of the operation, Karnataka Additional DGP for Intelligence, Shankar Bidari, said his office had received information of the arrest on Saturday morning. He also said the alleged war criminal had been moved to Germany.

Officials at the German embassy, when contacted, said they had received no information of the arrest in Goa. The German consulate in Mumbai had also not received any information, embassy officials said.

Reports from Hubli and Goa quoting a press release issued by Perus Narkp, said to be the intelligence wing of the Berlin-based German Chancellor’s Core, said Bach had been involved in the killing of nearly 12,000 Jews at the Marsha Tikash Whanaab concentration camp in East Berlin under Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime”

Similar news has been reported by TOI, HT, Telegraph, Dainik Jagran, Deccan Chronicle and just about every newspaper save (Thank God!!) the Hindu. Please go over the italicized information. See if any of it looks odd to you – do Germans name camps Tikash Whanaab, for instance? Can it be found on a Google search, when all camps have been well-documented and so forth? Does Perus Knarp sound odd (You’ve interned in Germany)? Is there a Chancellor’s Core? And so forth.


If the earth should swallow me up tomorrow, I will be happy and sad. Sad, not to have done something like this myself. Happy that I got to read of (a) the stupidity of our national editors (b) people with the balls to show ’em up so.


(NOTE: Also putting this up on movingoncallingcharlie and my own blogsite)

All is not Lost When things really get Lost !

June 21, 2008

For a change let me stop writing Long boring unreadable stories. Let me tell you a simple straight Story.

There was a man who was young and charming. He had all the good qualities girls would like and he is simple and caring. He lived in a colony and there were two beautiful girls who were interested in him. Lets give them random names lyla, juliet. However, his attitude towards them was that of routine indifference. Owing to his goodness he replies calmly to their questions and doesn’t show too much interest in them or their beautiful dress or other noticeable things. These two girls interactions are often geared towards who will win the boy. These interactions among them slowly turned into challenges.

A Boy can only get married to Once so these two girls were trying to do all that they can do to secure him. Just like any other Love story there has to be some twist in the tale, One girl seemed to get an unfair advantage in this so far fair game. Lyla has won the nomination from the parents of the Boy. Juliet became disappointed. She could not imagine life with out him. She felt like her source of energy wiped out and became silent. From the days of nomination things picked up pace and moved till the engagement. Indifferent good boy agreed with out any thought to his parent wishes to be engaged to lyla for no apparent reason. It was the engagement day and Juliet was spending days just wandering in silence in the park looking like a dry leaf in the greenier grassy park. She was sitting on the stone slab and watching life around her with dried up glass eyes. Some how children rejoicing themselves by playing football in a obscure corner attracted her attention.

They somehow gave her solace and she was watching how kids were playing in the rough. Slowly she became absorbed in the game watching movements of the football and the emotions of kids. Game picked momentum one shot of football rebounded after hitting the goal post fell into the open well lying immediately next to the park separated by iron fence. The small kids were afraid of even getting close to it as it was full of green slippery algae making deep and scary well frightening to even think of. They all are worried and scared. Juliet was the most worried one now. She was trying to light the already extinguished candle of happiness in herself from glows of faces of the children. Juliet’s “Loss of Love made her blind” and she moved briskly to bring the ball and fell into the deep well. Everyone was shocked with the incident it was like two sounds heard in a short lapse. Children were shouting loud and people gathered.

She was ultimately dragged out of the dreaded well after 15hours by Municipal staff and admitted into the hospital and She was in unconscious state and her body parts have skin torn by rusted iron waste that was thrown into the well and lost almost two liters of blood severely affecting some inner organs. Doctors were not sure of her case some of them advised her parents to inform relatives. It took three days and still nothing was to be said. She lost her love and now is almost at the end of her life. However not everything was bad with Juliet. Juliet’s recovery was declared to be well and now doctors were sure of her survival.

Juliet after two months of fighting with all odds started opening her eyes. It is in those dark hours that light strikes like a bolt from the blue. Fate suddenly decried that it would have final say in the story. She instead of her doctor and Nurse she saw the good boy and lyla waiting for her. She couldn’t hide the glow in her eyes. Lyla carried a smile with respect, admiration towards her friend. She seemed different and Juliet understood that she was married.

Lyla came to her bed and sat on to left and our goodboy came closer to her on right and whispered in her ears. ” Will you marry me?” with a diamond ring in his hand waiting to decorate the juliet hand. She couldn’t believe what every she was seeing and to her amazement it is nothing but true. She was immediately puzzled. Her face turned sad and she was looking at Lyla then to clarify her Another man came and stood behind Lyla keeping his hand on lyla’s shoulder, Clarifying that he is the husband. Lyla helped juliet to sit comfortably and our good boy decorated juliet’s left hand with the diamond ring. Juliet is still puzzled but she was assured by a Everything is alright smile on everyones face around her.

Puzzled how did this happen?

The incident was portrayed by the media and Others as an event of committing suicide on failure of Love and Juliet was portrayed as a Great Lover. The media brain wash so great that goodboy adored her and Lyla was too willing to convince good boy about the seriousness and purity of love of Juliet. As always, media reported what it thought was more appealing and people were too eager to be convinced by media’s version.

Welcome to the age of media guys ! Anything is Possible. Come on sometimes good things do happen with media intervention.

PS:  I never wanted to end the story like this but you see this is more interesting than the original Plot.

Saikrishna AKA Mama

Dear Midnight Maggi

April 28, 2008

PS: This is a first draft of my Love towards Midnight Maggi and things written are bound to change 🙂 I am in the process of changing all the “I” to “we”.

Dear MidNight Maggi ,

It has been long since we met. I know you are angry with us. I understand the sad and bitter thoughts entering your mind. You were with me everyday and were a patient partner in my life during those tough days at IITG. In the beginning you seemed to like to patiently listen everything Be it discussions on career options, Multiple game Strategies, Birthday Parties and Admits. Slowly I realised that you were so generous to give us your time and you ask for nothing. There were sad moments and Happy moments and you were with me watching everything. Truly you were our best friend. You were a silent partner in the AOE,SOF, Quake Strategies for the both teams and didn’t disclose one team’s plans to another. We all loved you and the cruel time shattered the bonds of companion ship we shared.

However it is true that time repented the cruel act it has committed and brought internet to partly repay the damage inflicted. I enjoyed watching time pass by with you. Now I have grown up and you must have forgotten me as you don’t find me at our regular meeting place and I am hopeful atleast Our juniors have occupied our place.

This place is however a Sweet Memory to the time we spent with you and an attempt to reach back to you through Internet.

PS: This is a first draft of my Love towards Midnight Maggi and things written are bound to change 🙂 I am in the process of changing all the “I” to “we”.

Corporate Mayhem

February 15, 2008

“How would the world be without the bosses churning us day in and day out !!! ”

— Oka mahaanubhaavudu.

Life eej hard (Mintrox). But its harder than I thought. I wonder, if its this learning curve which all talk about.

When I started preparing for a dash to those esteemed institutes, I was told — “Look mate, just these 2 years of prep.
And after that, trust me life would be better”.

May be I misinterpreted. The statement probably has a cynical twist, it was meant to be — “Look mate, grind yourself
down these 2 years, after which you neednt worry, you would get used to it”.

4 years out there … and then I thought, hell anything can be better than the life there. Alas, I spoke to soon probably.

I am not a pessimist nor am I a rabbler,whingeing idiot. But frankly speaking, corporate life isnt all that easy as it appears. There are many out here who haven’t had a taste of it as yet (I believe), but all that I can advise is that they neednt scramble quick for that, take your time out before placing your foot on the gas.

Faltoo gaadu edo maatlatundu ani anukokandi (Eng Translation — Useless brat, speaking bullshit, dont think like that).
And my fav story now, about the bosses. This one is in the name of my boss, lets call him Viks. He is the most @#$@$@#$ guy you would find on planet earth. Fools around, and feels as if it weren’t for him, then humanity would cease to exist.

One parting joke (farce must I say). We are supposed to enter out time records every friday, so as to enable the manager to have an idea of the time we spend on project work. I clocked in 6 hours for the last friday (instead of the 8 that we are supposed to put in). Pop came a mail from my manager. I met him, and he offered me a seat !!!! He says — “Well, you have jotted in just 6 hours”. I replied — “Well, I worked for just 6 hours (grins — I am underutilised)” … and he replies — “Please change it to 8”. Now that coward needs to explain his seniors as to why I am underutilised, hell and he wants me to cheat for that.

Hike … the lesser said the better … but I guess I shall store it for a whole post.

More such instances … keep waiting !!!


Money Matters – I

February 15, 2008

What can a bunch of reasonably intelligent people do when they meet apart from Gossiping and having fun with their friends ?

May be it is the time to discuss some serious issues and take some advise from our fellow MBA brainiacs and others who are literates if not graduates in Finance.

We have reasonable pay scales to save enough money Say at least one lakh per annum and its already one and half year after we have graduated. I assume that everyone wants to maximize their returns on their savings. Lets start a discussion on how to march ahead to maximize profits and minimize risks. Here is my two cents.

Here are some ways to invest and my analysis on what to choose and why.

Real Estate :

This industry so far have abnormally high returns like doubling rates every year for calculations its 100%pa returns. However investing in realestate may not be a good idea.

1. This industry is now seeing a downward trend so wait and see might be a best strategy
2. Amount involved are Very high and time for returns is also Huge like number of payments are huge for our savings and hence take longer time.
3. Apparently Political risks are also involved occupying lands is not a easy problem to wrestle with.

I presume that this will no longer give Super returns but is still a feasible option if you cannot follow other advises.

Save in Banks:

Returns 10%pa. Some calculations to show how this will develop the money we invest now. Assuming you invested 1,00,000


So After 25 years you will get 10,83,470 rupees for 1,00,000

Save in Mutual Funds:

Returns 12%pa – 18%pa. Lets take 15%pa for average. Some calculations to show how this will develop the money we invest now. Assuming you invested 1,00,000

So After 25 years you will get 32,91,895 rupees for 1,00,000 .. ie .., 32 Lakhs.

Save in Equity Funds:

Most of the funds assure you Returns at 30%pa..if you put money atleast for 5 years. I Remember reading else where that If you just invest in Indexed Shares you can get 30%pa returns[keep the money atleast for 5 years] This is a theory and people who wrote this got Noble prize too . Some one please clarify this.

Some calculations to show how this will develop the money we invest now. Assuming you invested 1,00,000


So After 25 years you will get 7,05,64,100 rupees for 1,00,000 .. ie .., 7 Crore 5 Lakhs for one lakh. What is more interesting is at the end of 26th year this will be


At the end of 39years ie…,When you are 65 Retirement Age this one lakh will be 277 Crores.

Comments and Criticism and Follow ups Invited.
